Sunday, September 22, 2013

The Idea Room Photo-a-Day Challenge, September 2013, Day 5 and 6.

Day - 5 Empty (September 5th)

When I hear the word "empty", I always feel sad.  Either my gas tank is empty, the milk carton is empty, or my store of energy is empty!  No matter what is "empty", it usually means something is lacking or not up to par.  And today, instead of "my cup runneth over" cup was EMPTY!  Trust me....this is NEVER a good thing!

Day 6 - A Circle (September 6th)

Today, when thinking of a circle, all I could imagine was the round, white, perfect Host held up during mass.  I am 48 years old and I have been a Catholic my entire life and the mystery of Transubstantiation remains just that....a mystery.  I no more understand it now than I did as a child.  As I was contemplating this during mass, I was struck by the Gospel passage for today from Luke...."You can not serve two masters".  Gazing at that round, perfect can I even consider serving two masters.  I have lots of work to do this week....on me!  I need to get rid of any other master that I worship.  I need to remind myself about where my loyalties are and who it is that I live for.  Pray for me.  I'll pray for you, too! (Admittedly, I did not take the photo below, but you get the idea).

P.S.  I'm going to get caught up on this photo challenge!  I promise!

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