Monday, September 23, 2013

The Idea Room Photo-a-Day Challenge, September 2013, Day 7 and 8

Day - 7 A Pathway (September 7th)

Our home is 60 years old.  It's been around a long time.  Some parts of it are falling apart.  Still, it's our home.  I have found lots of quirky things in this old house.  Things like an old intercom system that hasn't worked in eons and a very strange lay out of living room walls and doorways.  But one of the strangest things I've always wondered about is the walkway pathway leading from our front door!
If you come straight out our front door, this cement pathway leads to....well, nothing. If you come out the front door and turn immediately to your right (you can see this in the picture), you can take another walkway pathway to the driveway.  But, this one makes no sense to all.  It just STOPS!  It reminds me of a line of traveling ants.  They walk along, following each other and never veering off of their path.  However, if you put a stick in front of them, or somehow interrupt the line....they get all crazy and don't know where to go.  I used to do that as a kid because I thought it was funny.  As an adult, I now think that is cruel.

Some paths don't lead to where we think they will.  Sometimes, we don't know until it's too late that we've chosen the wrong one.  If you can, try to see beyond the path.  Try and anticipate where it might lead.  Don't always rely on what you can see.  There are surprises along the way.  Embrace them!



Day - 8 Bright (September 8th)

When I saw the prompt for this day...bright...I immediately thought of a photo I took when arriving to work one day a few weeks ago.  It was early in the morning and there was one lone thunderstorm to the west of the city.  With the rising sun in the east shining on it....the clouds were whiter than white!  It made me think of the magnificence of heaven!  It must be shining bright with the light of God's Love!  Don't you think?


Gramma 2 Many said...

Love this challenge and your pictures. Especially the path. You are so right about the paths we take in life.
I am sorry I missed this challenge, I love taking pictures. I will just enjoy it through you so keep posting.
Nancy, you are so kind to remember me (my family) in your prayers. I did not choose my path, but I am going to follow it to the end. I hope with as much grace as you have followed yours.
Have a wonderful day/week.

Gramma 2 Many said...

Love this challenge and your pictures. Especially the path. You are so right about the paths we take in life.
I am sorry I missed this challenge, I love taking pictures. I will just enjoy it through you so keep posting.
Nancy, you are so kind to remember me (my family) in your prayers. I did not choose my path, but I am going to follow it to the end. I hope with as much grace as you have followed yours.
Have a wonderful day/week.