Monday, November 17, 2008

Saying "yes" more than "no"

This subject has been on my mind for some time. After reading Toni's post over at Happy To Be At Home, I was ever more determined to work on saying "yes" instead of "no" all the time. She's right...most of the time it's selfishness on my part. Read her post and let me know what you think.


Anonymous said...

I had a similar idea buried in a post during the summer. I have become more aware of trying to say "yes" more than "no". One thing my brother told me was that when we were kids he always thought it easier to ask for forgiveness than permission. I thought that was funny, but also a sign that perhaps he looked at our folks as "no-parents"! Saying yes more often than not helps make our "no's" more meaningful and hopefully there will be less need for our kids to ask our forgiveness!

Tracy said...

I like it, it really hit home for me!!

Christie Groth said...

Is this a "Humble Christie" post? haha I deal daily with my inability to let my eldest step out of what was my comfort zone at all. I deeply regret it and I feel like I missed so much because I was so wrapped up in keeping things the way I liked it and perfectly on step. I have tried so hard to be more open to allowing A the chance to do things he would like to do and if it inconveniences me...well, I'll get over it. To see him smile is a reward in itself.

Joyful Days said...

This is something I struggle with. Even my "yes" can have a bad attitude. Thanks for the reminder.