Sunday, January 11, 2009

So which is it???

Some time back, Al Gore (the inventor of the Internet and former V.P) said we don't have long as a society because Global Warming is going to cause us to burn up.......Now we read that we are headed for an Ice which is it? Are we going to burn or freeze? Scientists (and I use that term loosely) need to make up their minds.

My guess is that the real answer is neither, or rather, somewhere in the middle. But, I suppose whatever happens...average Americans are going to continue to be duped by politicians who have an agenda and have an "investment" in lots of studies and research!


Therese said...

My opinion is neither is going to happen. I believe global warming and the ice age theory are simply diversions created so that we are thinking about them rather than anti life laws that may be passing.

aspiring... said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Therese said...

what a great link Aspiring. Thanks for that.


Unknown said...

My opinion is neither as well! Although, we are expecting record cold temps this week! HMMM... ;)

Matthew said...

The website for the source of the Ice Age looks sketchy.

Sarah - Kala said...

I think your guess is right!