Thursday, January 22, 2009


I've heard it said that we all have a twin somewhere in the world....someone who looks just like us and could even fool our friends. Well...check out this story! Apparently, Mr. Obama has a twin in Indonesia. I mean really....this guys looks just like him! Frankly, I think it's creepy. Besides, I'm not so sure the world is ready for two Obama's! I'm still trying to get over the sticker shock of the first one!


Marie said...

I saw that! Isn't it amazing they are so much alike! One would think they were indeed twins.

Peace JOY and blessings to you:)

Marie xoxooxox

Anonymous said...

OK, that will keep me up at night!

Jen Ambrose said...

Wow. There are 175 Jennifer Ambroses on facebook. Try my email address jenambroseataoldotcom