Sunday, November 1, 2009

Blessings on this All Saints Day!

Today is observed as a Holy Day of Obligation for faithful Catholics. The priests (wearing white) will say prayers in honor of the Holy Saints...even those not listed in the official church calendar.

"All Saints' Day enriches the faith of all who observe it. When we honor the saints, we actually give glory to God. Pray to the saints and invoke their help and intercession."
-- Unknown Catholic Official

It was originally known as the Feast of All Martyrs in memory of the martyrs in the early Church who died for their faith in Christ. It has evolved into a solemn observance during which the Church remembers all who have died in the faith.

Today...I would like to specifically remember the following....

My dad (Michael G.)
My mom (Dianne J.)
My niece (Clare W.)
My niece (Rachel W.)
My friend (Robbi A.)
Teachers (Sister Diana Hupp, Sister Madeline Carey)
All of our babies lost through miscarriage

May the souls of all the faithful departed, rest in peace.


Anne said...


Frizzy said...

What a beautiful post and way to honor those who have passed away. Hugs to you.

Therese said...

beautiful Nancy. Praying with you for these people. Please also pray for the two souls Steve and I have lost in miscarriage and all our family.