I think blog awards are fun. Sometimes they're cute, sometimes silly and sometimes....they hit the nail on the head! This blog award, Sisters In Faith, is one of those! It was given to me by a very special person, Colleen from Thoughts on Grace! She truly is a Sister In Faith! God brought her into my life at just the right moment for a very special purpose. We have both taken a step in faith and are waiting to see where God leads us! Perhaps one day, I will share this journey with all of you!
I would also like you to meet Karinann, the creator of this Blog Award. You can meet her at over at Blessings of the Day. Read about how this Blog Award came to be in this post.
As Blog Awards go, you are supposed to pass them on to other bloggers who you feel represent the spirit of the award. Technically, I could pass this on to every one of the wonderful ladies on my sidebar...and quite a few others. In this case, the instructions are: 1. To pass this award on to sisters who have been blogging with me from almost the beginning, 2. Include at least one new Sister In Faith.
1. Carrie at Quite The Normal Life
2. Mary at The Beautiful Gate
3. Easter at Mostly Prayers
4. Frizzy at Heaven's Gift
5. Therese at The Musings of a Mom
7. Therese at Aussie Coffee Shop
8. Tracy at A Catholic Mom in Minnesota
9. Sarah at So....This is the Road I'm Traveling On
10. Elizabeth at Real Life
11. Barbara at Praying for Grace
There are many more...but these are the ladies that are truly a part of my life! They pray for me, encourage me and help hold me accountable! Thank you ladies, and Happy New Year.
I would also like you to meet Karinann, the creator of this Blog Award. You can meet her at over at Blessings of the Day. Read about how this Blog Award came to be in this post.
As Blog Awards go, you are supposed to pass them on to other bloggers who you feel represent the spirit of the award. Technically, I could pass this on to every one of the wonderful ladies on my sidebar...and quite a few others. In this case, the instructions are: 1. To pass this award on to sisters who have been blogging with me from almost the beginning, 2. Include at least one new Sister In Faith.
1. Carrie at Quite The Normal Life
2. Mary at The Beautiful Gate
3. Easter at Mostly Prayers
4. Frizzy at Heaven's Gift
5. Therese at The Musings of a Mom
7. Therese at Aussie Coffee Shop
8. Tracy at A Catholic Mom in Minnesota
9. Sarah at So....This is the Road I'm Traveling On
10. Elizabeth at Real Life
11. Barbara at Praying for Grace
There are many more...but these are the ladies that are truly a part of my life! They pray for me, encourage me and help hold me accountable! Thank you ladies, and Happy New Year.
Thank you for the award my dear. I feel the same about you! I can't believe we've known each other here in blog land for over a year now. Where does the time go?
Happy New Year. I hope you will let us know if we can help pray for the situation you mentioned.
Well, Nancy, I am absolutely chuffed! Thank you so very much! I'll try and post on it soon. I'm going to put awards I get henceforth on my sidebars . . .
Continued prayers for you and yours in this promised good year of 2010!
aww. Thanks so much. I
I will have a think about this and pass it on.
Gee, THANKS Nancy!
We truly ARE Sisters in Faith (praise God for blessings such as these!!!!) and I am honored to be among your award recipients for Karinann's VERY sweet award!
Thank you Nancy, what a joy you are!!
Looks like some wonderful blogs that I need to check out!! I am I sure that if you love them, so would I!
You are going to get a good laugh. I was getting ready to send you this very same award! I'm serious! Karinann sent it to me, but I am behind on my posting. As soon as I got it, you were the first person I thought of. I was going to try to get it up within the next couple days. I was also going to send it to Judy, Sarah and Therese[ACS] Don't great minds think alike? Thank you so much, I'll post that it's from you and Karinann. I'm still going to send the award to you in my post, too, and you won't even have to put it up:) I just want you to know how much I appreciate your friendship and have from day one. May God be with you :)
Thank you, Nancy. (And I would never ignore you!) ;-)
Thank you Nancy What a blessing you are to me.
I think there is going to be a lot of reciprocation on this one! Thanks so much, Nancy!
What a joy to receive this, Nancy! Thanks so much!
You've been an inspiration to me, Nancy. With all that you are going through with your health, you manage to run a wonderful household and a great blog! I'm honored to know you!
God bless you abundantly, and much aloha!
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