Tuesday, March 2, 2010

The story of Noah's Ark......

as retold by a 4 year old....

"He build a boat. Because there was gonna be a flood. Animals were on it. And Noah. Forty days it rained. They see ground. Blue sky with a rainbow."
--Olivia Widener, Age 4

Well, I think that about sums it up, don't you? I love these narration exercises...especially with these little ones. I'm always amazed at how their minds work and it's fun to see what they remember about the story. If you could see the picture she drew, you'd see a HUGE purple rainbow...and Noah.

As an adult, I would have probably drawn a picture of the rain...the flood and destruction....cause isn't that what we adults do? We focus on the negative, on our struggles and on those times that we feel God has abandoned us. Not so with children.....at least mine. They always focus on the good, the best outcome, how they hope it to be. I think I can take a few lessons from my kids!

****P.S....I saw my doctor today. She's ordered an MRI of the Lumbar Spine for this Friday. Until then, I have muscle relaxers and anti-inflammatorys to keep me company****


gramma2many said...

Came over to thank you for your prayers for Susan. See you are still needing them also. I don't seem to get over here often enough. Going to have to remedy that one.
I knew you have been fighting the demon also. My daughter Kris is now 6 years clean.
Love your babies story of Noah. They are so precious.
Thanks again for your prayers and offer of support.

Julie Cragon said...

This world needs that big purple rainbow. Thanks Olivia! Thank you God!

Susan L said...

I'm praying for you and your back pain. I've had that, too, but not for as long.

Tracy said...

Aw, what a wonderful story your daughter has told!!

Praying for good news on your back!!

Barb Szyszkiewicz said...

That's cool! She "gets it"--the most important part of the story!

Hope you are continuing to feel better, even if it is just a little at a time.