Sunday, July 25, 2010

He's off!

Well..we did it! We dropped Nathan off at camp this afternoon. I did SO much better than I did last year! I didn't even cry! He gave me a quick kiss with a one armed hug...and he was off! Amelia says she's happy he's gone for a few days! Olivia cried when we sat down for dinner and his chair was empty.

Conditions are much better this year....flushing toilets, showers and shelter...not so primitive. I sent him with MUCH less clothing this time. After all, last year HE WORE THE SAME CLOTHES ALL WEEK LONG! Hopefully he'll take the time to brush his teeth and change his underwear at least once. However, I'm no dummy....hygiene is not usually a priority for boys. I guess I should just be glad I'm not the one having to clean up after this bunch (there are 33 of them)!

I will give me until about Wednesday before I start blubbering like an idiot...missing him terribly and counting the hours until we pick him up on Saturday! I'll be doing my best to keep myself very busy until then!

Have a great week.
HOTM Boys Camp - 2010


Unknown said...

I hope he has a great week!

aspiring... said...

Ditto, Therese. I do, too...

God bless each of you, I pray :) .

Judy Dudich said...

I hope you dosed him with major antibiotics as a preventative measure after last year's fiasco!
Just kidding...I'm sure he'll have a great time:)

Mary N. said...

I tagged you for a prayer meme, Nancy, to help get your mind off your queasy stomach ;)

Sarah Oldham said...

He'll be fine. You'll be fine.

God bless you and thank you for sending him along to have some fun!!!