Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Camera downloads!

We're still in "holiday mode" at our house but I wanted to pop in and say hello and share with you some of the visions of sugarplums that were dancing around my camera's flash drive....however....Blogger tells me that I'm OUT OF STORAGE SPACE for my photos!  Apparently, I have to BUY additional space ($5 PER YEAR for 5 GB) in order to upload anymore photos!  Has this happened to anyone else?  Is this legitimate or am I being scammed?  I've been having lots of problems with with blogger lately and I'm considering moving my blog over to another carrier.  Any suggestions?


Therese said...

what do they say is the limit Nancy? I haven't ever been told that I have my limit. I would never pay to upload pictures.

Therese said...

Just found this Nancy:


Jamie H said...

Happened to stumble across your blog and thought I'd pipe in. Free blogger does have a storage limit. If you have a picture heavy blog, you can meet that limit pretty quickly. To get around it, host your photos somewere else (like Flickr or Photobucket) and then put them on your blog from there. Most free blogging platforms have storage limits so you'll run into this same issue anywhere you go. They don't tell you upfront though!