Nathan's little bird died last night. Even after $160 worth of antibiotics at the vet on Friday, he still didn't make it. Polly was acting a little crazy all day. Then, later on in the evening, he went to the bottom of his cage and just sat there. I knew what was happening and I tried to prepare Nathan, but he was hysterical. We picked him up and wrapped him in a soft wash cloth to keep him warm. I told Nathan just to sit down and hold him. At one point, it looked like he was perking up but then he had a little seizure and then, he was gone. We said a prayer to St. Francis and placed him in a little box. I guess we will bury the bird sometime today next to where our cat Missy is buried.
It is particularly agonizing to watch your children mourn their pets. Sometimes, it's hard to find the right thing to say. Please say a quick prayer for Nathan today as I've never seen him like this. He woke up at about 3:00am with a splitting headache. I'm sure it was from all the crying. I gave him some ibuprofen and cuddled him while he fell back to sleep. My sweet boy is such an animal lover.
He's asked for another bird right away. I'm inclined to wait and let a little time pass before we go out and buy another one. Sigh.
I totally agree with you about it being the hardest thing to watch your children go through Nancy. Will pray for Nathan and the whole family.
I was afraid of that when you said you took him to the vet. I had little parakeets when I was younger and they are really fairly fragile little birds. The last time I watched my youngest son's heart break over his gerbils I said "no more." It's just so hard when they die.
Will say a prayer for your sweet son. It is so hard to lose a pet, even as adults, but children in particular can take it so hard. I am so sorry for your son and his loss.
Losing pets is so difficult, isn't it? Poor Nathan! I will pray for him.
I'm so sorry to hear this news. Such a sweet boy and hard thing to learn. Letting go.
I'll be keeping him in my prayers.
Very sorry for Nathan. If he would like I can post the little bird's name on our list of deceased pets on the Pet Prayer Blog. There are also links where he can post a tribute to his little pet.
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