Monday, April 25, 2011

Is it wrong?

Is it wrong to give my children pink Peeps for breakfast this morning?  What about Sour Patch Jellybeans?  Lollipops?  Well, too bad!  I did it anyway!  I got so tired of saying "NO" to their every request for candy.  They keep asking for their chocolate bunnies, but I did manage to decline that request (Hey, I do have my limits)!

You'll notice my new countdown clock on the top of my sidebar!  I'm definitely in travel mode!  I'll be back later with a more thoughtful post!  I hope you all had a wonderfully blessed Easter!

Rome, here I come!


Mary N. said...

I hear you ;) As long has they ate some sugar-coated cereal along with the candy I'm sure they'll survive (hee hee)!

Frizzy said...

Well, that's one way to get rid of it and be done. LOL I went through all Yaya's eggs and tossed out half of her candies and saved only the best chocolates. Is THAT wrong?

Barb Szyszkiewicz said...

I find that Whopper eggs make a most delicious breakfast. They go great with coffee. And the resulting sugar rush is not to be believed. The crash later isn't pretty, though.

Just another wallflower said...

My kids had a hard boiled egg... and a handful of chocolate eggs. Washed down with iced tea of course. LOL!