I'm lamenting the Beatification post that Blogger seems to have lost! It took forever to upload those pictures! I certainly hope they are able to restore it! Am I the only one that is missing posts???
So glad you're back safe and sound, Nancy. Can't wait to read your upcoming posts about your trip!
In case you don't already have this, here's a Blogger problem status page with a general statement of status and also another link to this specific problem. Maybe there's a way to inquire about your missing post(s) in particular? http://status.blogger.com/
Another possible back up for you is by way of email - if you use the Settings>BloggerSendAddress feature to automatically email yourself or others your posts. Both the text (in format!) and the graphics can be copied and pasted from the email letter to a new replacement post. (In a test, I found that graphics had to be copied/pasted individually.) But all in all, VERY easy to do and the worst might be the task of just arranging the contents in the replacement post. Best wishes for a good outcome in any event!
You haven't got your post back yet? Some people have. I copied my lost post from Google Reader and ten minutes after I reposted it Blogger restored the other one so I had to delete one! I hope you get yours back soon. Doesn't it figure that such a beautiful post would be the one that gets lost? Murphy's Law :(
I lost a post too Nancy but it was in my drafts so I was just able to repost it. Hope that is all that has happened to yours too.
Hi Nancy, I'm missing yesterday's post and comments from my Wednesday's post. I have no idea what happened!
So glad you're back safe and sound, Nancy. Can't wait to read your upcoming posts about your trip!
In case you don't already have this, here's a Blogger problem status page with a general statement of status and also another link to this specific problem. Maybe there's a way to inquire about your missing post(s) in particular?
Another possible back up for you is by way of email - if you use the Settings>BloggerSendAddress feature to automatically email yourself or others your posts. Both the text (in format!) and the graphics can be copied and pasted from the email letter to a new replacement post. (In a test, I found that graphics had to be copied/pasted individually.) But all in all, VERY easy to do and the worst might be the task of just arranging the contents in the replacement post. Best wishes for a good outcome in any event!
You haven't got your post back yet? Some people have. I copied my lost post from Google Reader and ten minutes after I reposted it Blogger restored the other one so I had to delete one! I hope you get yours back soon. Doesn't it figure that such a beautiful post would be the one that gets lost? Murphy's Law :(
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