Thursday, May 19, 2011

Two things.....


Are you aware that the "rapture" is supposed to happen this Saturday?  Apparently, the whole entire world has been notified that we should all be "wrapping up any loose ends" and saying our good-byes.  For those of you who plan to be raptured....we'll miss you.  For the rest of you, I'll see you Sunday!

And second....

Fox has picked up a new show set to premiere in January called "Alcatraz".  This is another time-travelling show produced by JJ Abrams (of LOST fame) and features one of my favorite people....also from LOST....Jorge Garcia (Hurley)!  I must admit, I'm a little excited about this.  It seems that television has absolutely no appeal to me since I don't get to see Sawyer every week.  With JJ Abrams writing/producing and Jorge acting....there is hope for a decent show!


Mary N. said...

We better see you in church Sunday! A Rapture is no excuse for missing Sunday Mass ;)

noreen said...

hmmm, Nancy. I didn't get that memo! I wonder where these ideas come from? A young adult had contacted me recently through blogland "to save me from going to Hell because I'm Catholic" and gave a link to her church's site. According to her pastor, only 50 people of this world are going to heaven. And of course, this is his congregation.

I hadn't heard of this new show Alcatraz. I honestly do not watch much tv but this may be interesting.

God Bless,

Frizzy said...

My Bible study group was just talking about the supposed END. I wonder what they'll be saying to themselves on Sunday?

As for the real Alcatraz I wasn't a fan of my visit. It spooked me a bit too much. (Insert shudder here.) I will be keeping my eyes open for the show though because of you.