Monday, November 21, 2011

My Menu!

This year, we will be having Thanksgiving dinner here at home with just the 5 of us!  Usually, we all go to my sister-in-law's house and I'm responsible for hors d'oeuvres and a relish tray.  Sometimes I would also contribute a pie.  It seems that we've gotten into a bit of a rut, and all of us wanted to change things up a bit.  If the truth be told, I really wanted to go AWAY for Thanksgiving!  My idea was to go someplace north of Tennessee, Virginia or north of Atlanta.   However, there was no money in the piggy bank for such a trip (wouldn't ya know it!). we are.

The good news is that our house will smell wonderful on Thursday and we'll have lots of left overs!  Here's our menu....pretty darn traditional:

Roasted Turkey:  I debated about frying it....but I'm craving comfort food that's familiar.  I bought a 22 lb turkey this year!  It's BIG, I know, but I plan on making turkey pot pies and turkey soup to freeze!

Stuffing:  I use the Pepperidge Farm stuffing's easy and it was on sale (BOGO) at my local Winn Dixie!  I usually add sausage....just because everyone likes it!  I've been known to add craisins and/or apples...but this year, I'm sticking to the basics.  By the way, I do stuff the turkey (both ends) and bake some in a casserole dish too.

Mashed Potatoes:  I always make my mashed potatoes with half & half and real butter!  They are to die for!

Gravy:  Self explanatory!  I do not use the giblets.....those go to the cats!

Green Beans:  I steam the green beans first, then saute them with bacon and caramelized onions.  Love these!

Dinner Rolls:  Just your standard "brown and serve" rolls from the grocery store.

Pies:  I'm making one Pumpkin Pie, but, I bought two Marie Calendar frozen pies (pecan and dutch apple).  The MC pies were another BOGO deal at Winn Dixie!

I will serve wine for myself and Dan while the kids will get sparkling cider!

Hopefully, we'll spend the day watching the parade, some football, maybe a board game or two.  Then, after many Christmas movies as we can stay awake for!

Friday will be my annual trip to the Christmas Made in the South craft show!  Then, it's time to gather all of our Advent supplies...candles, calendars and such.  Of course, we'll be waiting for Clive to arrive sometime this weekend!

What are your plans?

1 comment:

Judy Dudich said...

Oh, your plans sound wonderful!
And if you ever DO get enough piggy savings to head North; you'd better just "keep on truckin'" 'til you get to PA, lady! ::smile::
We are staying home this year, as well..going to 9 am Mass, then rejoicing together at son and his little family will come for leftovers (and new pies because I'm pretty sure those will be gone by then, hee hee) on Friday...YAY! I will be curled up with my grand-babies allllll day long:) Have a Happy Thanksgiving, Nancy...and please know how very thankful I am...for YOU!