Tomorrow, I will be starting the 40 Days of Preparation for Total Consecration to Jesus through Mary for Families. I've done it before and I blogged about it here and here. I won't repeat myself again, but I'm feeling the need to revisit this spiritual journey.
For more information, you can also click on the image of the Holy Family on my side bar. That will direct you to the Apostolate for Family Consecration's website. The Apostolate suggests the following:
"It is recommended that you block out a period of time each day to
read and prayerfully reflect on the meditations selected for the particular day
of the preparation period. Pray and talk to God, His Mother and St. Joseph about
what you are reading. Invite the Holy Spirit to guide you, so that you don't
rush through the
readings and prayers. The objective is not necessarily to completely read all
the meditations for each day, but to set aside some time every day for
reflective reading of the daily meditations. You can always go back to them
later after you have completed your consecration. In fact, you are encouraged to
regularly reflect on these readings even after you have made your consecration.
Try not to become scrupulous; if you aren't able to finish the daily readings on
some of the days, it doesn't mean that you cannot make the consecration or that
you need to start over again. Just keep proceeding and do your best; Our Lady
Whenever I am feeling led to begin a spiritual "pilgrimage" through prayer, I aways come back to St. Louis de Montfort and Blessed John Paul II.
If you have never experienced the Total Consecration, I highly recommend it. You will not be the same. Will you join me?
Would love to join you Nancy.
Oh yes, it's one of my deepest conversion experiences! This year is the 5th Anniversary of my Consecration and so many graces continue:) God bless you as you make your renewal. Thank you for sharing and Ave Maria!
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