Thursday, May 16, 2013

Prayer Request

I'm taking a little break from sharing about a current family struggle (see part one and two) to ask for your prayers for my sister.  My brother-in-law called late this morning to tell me that my sister is in the hospital and is not doing very well. 

Over the years, my sister has experienced a plethora of medical problems. She has had numerous hospitalizations and surgeries.  Right now, she appears to be in liver failure and they also found that she has pneumonia.

I would like ask you to pray for Sheri....that God would allow her to heal and recover quickly, that she will get the love and support she needs to overcome this situation, for all the doctors and nurses that are caring for her...and for her husband and daughter (who is 16),

I know she is in good hands but I'm really worried about her.  She lives in Indiana and so I can't be there with her right now. 

I appreciate your prayers.


Thia said...

So sorry to hear about your sister. I am praying.

Nancy said...

Thank you, Thia! I talked with her this evening, she seems to be doing better. She's got a long road ahead of her though. I appreciate your prayers!

Mary N. said...

I'll be praying, Nancy.

Leslie said...

Hello Nancy, I came over here through your kind and empathetic comment over at my place (regarding the death of my mother.) As I've been scrolling through your recent posts, I am reminded of Jesus words, "In this world you will have trouble. But take heart, I have overcome the world." I pray that your dear sister is granted healing from her latest health crisis, and that in all your troubles you would know the love and strength
of God to carry you through.