Sunday, September 7, 2008

Jeers and BK

I had to take Nathan to a birthday party yesterday morning. After I dropped him off, I decided to take the girls out to lunch. Since they are so young, I am limited in the appropriate places that I can take them. Let me clarify...they aren't monsters when I take them out, however, I can't really expect a 3 and 4 year old to act like they're adults. There is a time window of opportunity for them to eat and if you go beyond that're in trouble...big trouble!
There is a Burger King near our home that has a HUGE indoor play area that is air conditioned.
This is an ideal place to take the kids on a hot summer day here in Florida....except, of course, for those of you who are "germafobes".....which...I am not!

There must be some truth to the fact that when you have a body part removed....a certain number of brain cells go with it!! I say this because, I failed to noticed when going inside...ordering and finding a seat that they had REMOVED the play area! It is now a big, open, empty space...waiting to be transformed into a...get this...internet cafe!! At a Burger King????? This did not go over well when the girls realized that they couldn't pretend to eat and then go play....they actually had to eat! Needless to say, this was a quick visit!

On the other hand...I have to give it to Burger King for their new menu fries!!
These were a hit with the girls! They are nice thinly sliced fresh apples that are made to look like fries! They come with a yummy carmel sauce that made eating fruit at a Burger King without a play area....much, much easier!

***On a side note.....I received the results of my Cat Scan! It is all good news! Everything is normal with a small exception of a 4cm cyst on my right ovary. I believe that ovarian cysts are quite normal and common. I'm sure my oncologist will have it checked out just to be sure, but....still, it's good news to me!!*****

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So glad the test results are coming back positive. You go, girl!