Tuesday, November 11, 2008


Well, I managed to get some things done today. About 10:30am God blessed me with a small burst of energy...and I took advantage of it! For one thing, the crock-pot pork chops were very easy and very tasty. Here are the only ingredients:

The recipe called for 1/2 cup of brown sugar, 1 cup soy sauce, 1 cup ketchup, 2 cloves of crushed garlic and 6-8 chops. I had eight, very thick bone-in chops but in the future, I would use the thin cut. Even though these cooked for 6 hours and were "fall off the bone" tender, the thick and meaty part of the chop was a little stringy. The sauce was wonderful and the kids loved it. I will definitely use this recipe again. I think it would be really good for the pork country ribs too.

And here was my finished meal...with fresh green beans and noodles with olive oil.

For dessert, I made a strawberry jello "thingy" with a pretzel crust. This was extremely yummy! A friend had made this before and I happened to run across a recipe in cookbook for those dealing with cancer/chemotherapy.

When the kids got home from school, we worked on our Thanksgiving Tree. I think this is the worst excuse for a tree I've seen in all my life!! I guess that's just what you get when you're 5 days post chemo and dealing with an upper respiratory infection! I tried. Anyway, the kids had fun making additional leaves for our tree and thinking of things to be thankful for.

Well, here is our finished project...at least for today. We'll try to add more "thankful" things as they come up. Here's what the kids were thankful for..
Nathan: house, family, friends, school
Olivia: Nay Nay (this is what she calls Nathan)
Amelia: food, flowers and Billy from Jurassic Park????? I have no idea who Billy is or why she had Jurassic Park on her brain!!!

All in all, it worked out ok. We never did get to call Uncle Mark or Grandpa...there just wasn't enough of me left to do it but I'm sure they know how thankful we are for their service to our country. I'm proud to be part of a military family.....especially on days like this. We lit our candles on the mantle next to the Blessed Mother for our soldiers all over the world. Say a prayer for them tonight!!


Unknown said...

Nancy-You are amazing and it is a beautiful tree!

Margaret in Minnesota said...

I am in love with my crockpot and am happily adding this recipe to my list. That meal looked delicious!

My heart broke just a little bit, though, to read how there wasn't "enough of you left" to call your beloved veterans. I know what it's like to feel spent at the end of the day, but unlike you, brave soul, I am not dealing with chemo.

My friend Tina was courageous like you and I was blessed to be able to tell her story in Faith and Family. She offers some great tips to anyone battling cancer, and if you'd like you can read the article at their website: God is Stronger than Cancer,

Finally, thank you for your kind comment on my blog today. We are with each other during the highs and the lows, and that's what is so very beautiful about this Internet community of ours.

God bless.

Barbara said...

I think you did an awesome amount of work today. Pat yourself on the back right now.

Tracy said...

Awesome tree and yummy looking meal!!

Anonymous said...

Wow, Nancy! Way to go! You Rock!

Pork is one of my favs in the crock pot. So delicious, and sounds just like my recipe. The tree looks great, and a wonderful project.

May God bless your grandfather and Uncle Mark for their service to our country!

Hope your day tomorrow is blessed. Maybe a few hours of energy are in store for you???? But, if not, that's ok too. You did enough today for a WEEK!


God Bless!

aspiring... said...
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