Monday, November 17, 2008

That explains it!!

Well, at least now I know why I've been feeling so hemoglobin was 8.1 today!! Normal is usually around 12. I'm scheduled to have more lab work on the 25th to see if it has gone up. If not, they will give me an injection of something....I think it's called Procrit. All of the other symptoms I'm having are completely normal for the particular type of chemotherapy I've been getting. My only instructions are to take it easy, get up slower, keep my feet up to help combat the swelling, eat lots of protein and keep hydrated.

I'm sorry I sounded so whiny last night. I either feel really bad or really good...there isn't a whole lot of "in-between" lately. Emotionally, I feel on the edge and on the verge of crying a lot of the time. I guess it's all par for the course, but frustrating none the less.

Thank you all for your kind words and prayers!


Unknown said...

Procrit really helped my Dad during his chemo...youare allowed to voice how you are feeling-good or bad. The only way we can help is through listening and praying, let us!

Barbara said...

I think you sounded just right for all that you are going through. You really need to take care of you. If you have a health setback because you don't take it easy -- all that other stuff is for naught. I really learned this past summer that my health is more important than a clean house or homemade meals any day. Those things will all come back later -- but you have to make you first right now. Anything else that is important (loving your children) can be done while you take it easy. God bless.

Frizzy said...

Oh my goodness Nancy! If you don't let it out you'll go crazy. Keeping feelings of fear, anger, stress in can be toxic to your body. We're here any time you need to vent or just let it all hang out. I hope the Procrit helps.

Tracy said...

whiny?? um, let me tell you this.. if that was whiny.. gee.. I look really bad, lol!!

You have every right to be whiny and frustrated, heck, I was sick for 4 days with the flu and didn't know how I would be able to stand one more day and boy did I let everyone around me know how sick I was of feeling sick.. your just human and this is your blog and you go right ahead and tell us how your feeling.. sometimes just saying it and putting it on the page can be useful (it is for me anyways:)

Joyful Days said...

Not whiny. Continuing prayers.

Christie Groth said...

I don't think anyone would call you whiny. You are doing great and you remain extremely positive when most people would buckle. You are allowed to have good and bad days....without the days that try us, how would we recognize those good days that bless us so abundantly? So, feel free to vent to us, as I think we are all cyber-friends on here. (that sounds a little creepy huh? hehe)
You are and will remain in my thoughts and prayers. You are an amazingly strong woman and a great influence for all us who read your blog.

Michele said...

I just want you to know you are in prayers. I haven't commented before, but I just really wanted to let you know I've been praying for you. I was anemic when I was pregnant and felt absolutely lifeless, so I can't even begin to imagine how you are feeling going through chemo! Hang in there!