Thursday, January 1, 2009

The Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God

There are actually 3 Feast Days celebrated today.... The Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God, The circumcision of Our Lord and The New Year Celebration. Here is a great site with lots of information on the history of this Feast Day. And here you will find a list of feasts, prayers, activities as well as resources honoring the Blessed Virgin Mary. This is a very special day and I can't think of a better way to start this year.

I think that we can all agree that there are many challenges waiting for us in 2009. Some things we will have control over...and others...we won't. I guess I'm just grateful for another clean slate...another whole 12 months with nothing set in stone and nothing written on the calendar (which, by the way, I don't have yet)!

We have 19 days until the new president takes office. We should be able to get at least one novena completed before then! We will need it....he will need it!! The economic situation looks least for those who have placed all of their eggs in one basket. Now, for those of us who have few eggs....or no basket....we will continue to live pretty much by faith...which is how I believe God wants us to live anyway. If we do that, then any success we may have will be because of the grace and mercy of God. I tend to forget that when things are going well.

For me, I want to really and truly sit down and take a look at my life and decide what is really important. I want to try to see and know the difference between "wants" and "needs" and not have that line so cloudy. What can I do without? What do those around me need? How am I showing the love of God on a daily basis?

These are the things that I'm reflecting on as 2009 begins. How about you? What goals to you have?

One of my most favorite Scriptures is John 3:30..."He must increase and I must decrease". Isn't that so true? I'm thinking of a song that we sing in church sometimes....I can't remember the title but the line I love is...."O Lord you are the center of my life..." Oh, to be able to live more like the song talks about! I will work towards that this year.

This is my prayer for you this year....that you (we) may move closer to Our Lord and His Mother!

Have a wonderful New Year!!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Happy New Year!I thinkweare on the same page this year! God Blessyou and your family dear friend!