Monday, February 8, 2010

Our weekend

We had a very busy weekend! Saturday was the day we celebrated Amelia's 6th birthday! Instead of a store bought cake, I decided to try and make/decorate one myself. The good turned out round (after all...the cake pans were round). The bad news, I tried as hard as I could to make "pink"...but I ended up with this gross orange color. She insisted on chocolate frosting so the only thing I could do was to add some decorations. I dug out all of my cake decorating supplies and got to work! The icing was too thin and my hands were too shaky. I don't think Amelia noticed! She had a great time with friends and family!

Sunday, we took a nature walk as a family! The weather was perfect...not too hot...not too cold! However, it would have been nice if the sun made an appearance.
At the beginning of the trail, I noticed that one of God's little creatures had met with an unfortunate demise! All that was left was a foot and some feathers. There wasn't enough of it left to be able to tell what it was....but we think it was an Egret.

All I can say is that whatever it fought the good fight...FOR SURE. It made whatever attacked it WORK for it!

My beautiful family.....I think you can click on the pictures to make them bigger (can you see Amelia?).

Some critter uses this for a shelter. Dan thought maybe it was a fox or a raccoon.

We must stop and do our exercises along the way!

Interesting little sign post on the way out! I always remember my eighth grade teacher (Sr. Madeline) talking about the Beatitudes. She used to remind us that the Beatitude does NOT say "Blessed are the peace keepers" says "Blessed are the peace MAKERS". She always said that meant we are to rock the boat a little. I agree!

And finally, tonight I decided to make breakfast for dinner! I have been so inspired by Amanda at I Am Baker and I Am Mommy, that I had to try these.....Rainbow Pancakes!! This was a lot of fun...even for me! Now...Amanda's are much prettier than mine! Her colors are much more vibrant. The kids LOVED them! They expect them to taste different though and it's hard to explain to Amelia and Olivia that...the food coloring doesn't change the flavor.
Incidentally....Amanda got some very interesting responses from her readers regarding these lovely pancakes. Some people really need to lighten up! BIG TIME! You can read what some readers wrote if you click here.

One other funny story about the pancakes. After we had finished eating, I got a call from a friend of mine who lives in Texas. I was sharing with her about my rainbow pancakes. She asked me if it had anything to do with Gay Pride Month! Are you kidding me ?????? I didn't even know they dedicated an entire MONTH to this group! Since when did the rainbow become exclusively owned by homosexuals? I mean, really!! Honestly, the first thing I think of when I see a Noah and his ark! So there!


Barbara said...

I think it's sad that people think "gay" when they see rainbows. But they do.

Happy birthday, Amelia!

Unknown said...

What a great weekend! Too much snow here for nature walks!

Tracy said...

Nancy, I just love your pictures, thanks for sharing your weekend!!

Sarah - Kala said...

Everything is either rainbows or pineapples here in Hawaii. The football team are the Rainbow Warriors . . . yeah, I'm not calling any of them gay - even if any of them might be!!

Amanda said...

LOL You had me laughing OUT LOUD at that last comment!! Oh girl... I think I love you! :)

And I am glad your girls like their pancakes... I think yours turned out quite beautifully!!!

And your cake is beautiful too. I think you are a very talented baker!!

And my new best friend. ;)

God bless!

my new blog should be, Rainbows For God!

Barb Szyszkiewicz said...

The cool thing about kids is, no matter what the birthday cake looks like, they are still thrilled with it.

IKWYM about the rainbows...arrrgh!

Judy Dudich said...

Thanks for sharing your beautiful family photos and nature walk with us Nancy! Looks like you all had a great time! (Except for that poor whatever it was that you came upon along the way...YIKES)

These pancakes are AWESOME...I simply CAN'T WAIT to make them....I read those awfully mean things people wrote to that poor dear Mommy who made them. People just aren't nice sometimes:(

I happen to really LIKE the shade that Amelia's cake icing came out as! GREAT JOB!