Sunday, January 23, 2011

Favorite Links!

It's been quite some time since I've done a "Friday Favorites" post, so, I thought it was time that I linked to some really cool spots that I've been keeping to myself. I realize that it isn't Friday (it's actually Sunday), but we can all pretend that the weekend is just beginning...can't we?  These links cover many subject areas such as crafts, homeschooling resources, and cool stuff in general!  Enjoy!  Oh, and these are not in any particular order:

**please note that none of these companies have contacted me for a review or for a paid (or unpaid for that matter) product endorsement. 


Jen Ambrose said...

I'm going to bookmark this page! Thank you!

Judy Dudich said...

GREAT links...thanks!
And, I'm honored to be among them!
How kind of you!

Nancy said...

Judy....Oops! So sorry for the live/life thing! I've fixed it!