Saint Michael the Archangel,
defend us in battle.
Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil.
May God rebuke him, we humbly pray;
and do Thou, O Prince of the Heavenly Host -
by the Divine Power of God -
cast into hell, satan and all the evil spirits,
who roam throughout the world seeking the ruin of souls.
Great blog..I will link to you..perhaps you will to me?
Oh yes, we are on the prayer band wagon!!! God bless you for rallying the troops.
So sad. I hope and pray that the allegations are so untrue as well. He is a mentor to many people who lack the Catholic faith. =(
This is the perfect post for Father.
I am running a HUGE risk of backlash here...but I just must say this and I am trusting that I am sharing my thoughts in a place where they are welcomed...your blog! I do not think for one minute that these allegations about Father Corapi are true...BUT...if they WERE...all that would really mean is that this priest, this man, fell under temptations of something that was part of his past life and hence, committed mortal sin...with drugs...and sexual relations outside of marriage. AND???????
Do we think he would be the FIRST priest EVER to sin?!?!? IF these things were only means that he is does not take away from, nor negate ANYTHING he preaches from the pulpit...there would be a big problem posed if he were saying Mass and consecrating the Eucharist unworthily...BUT STILL...I am at a loss to see why everyone is lumping this into an unspoken category similar to the sexual abuse of children scandals of the Church. If the allegations about Father Corapi proved is STILL not a case of abuse...which is CRIMINAL as well as SINFUL....rather,this would be a case of a fallen man/priest who sinned and is in need of repentance, spiritual direction, AND FORGIVENESS.
Thanks, Nancy, I've been carrying that thought in my heart all week.
Father Corapi will perservere! Be Not Afraid for I am with you. I am praying for this to be resolved quickly. We need to pray for his accuser.
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