Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Litany of the Graces of the Cross

Response:  Because by your holy cross you have redeemed the world.

We adore you, O Christ, when we do not get our own way.  Rs

We adore you, O Christ, in the midst of day-to-day aggravations, frustrations, and annoyances.  Rs

We adore you, O Christ, when we live deprived of recognition or gratitude.  Rs

We adore you, O Christ, when dealing with others who exalt themselves and demean us.  Rs

We adore you, O Christ, in the face of worry, anxiety, and fear.  Rs

We adore you, O Christ, when we forgive others and show them mercy, especially when it hurts.  Rs

We adore you, O Christ, in the face of others' thoughtlessness.  Rs

We adore you, O Christ, in confronting our daily inner rebellion.  Rs

We adore you, O Christ, in refusing to give in to vanity and self-importance.  Rs

We adore you, O Christ, in always thinking about others first and putting them first.  Rs

We adore you, O Christ, when others take us for granted.  Rs

We adore you, O Christ, when suffering the agony of depression.   Rs

We adore you, O Christ, in our inability to make sense out of life or to have things follow our plans, especially when we're trying so hard to be good.  Rs

We adore you, O Christ, in rejecting self-assertion and self satisfaction.  Rs

We adore you, O Christ, in the midst of the oppressiveness of life - its futility, drudgery, pointlessness, and tedium.  Rs

We adore you, O Christ, in letting go of the order and control we crave.  Rs

We adore you, O Christ, when accosted by the unfairness of seeing the wicked succeed.  Rs

We adore you, O Christ, despite the world's contradiction, humiliation, and derision.   Rs

We adore you, O Christ, by refusing to live according to our feelings.  Rs

We adore you, O Christ, when we are under-appreciated.  Rs

We adore you, O Christ, when our egoism and willfulness flare up.  Rs

We adore you, O Christ, when we are persecuted for your sake.  Rs

We adore you, O Christ, as we live by love and no lesser motive.  Rs

We adore you, O Christ, in finding peace in the total surrender of self.  Rs

We adore you, O Christ, in accepting that God works in the ways we least expect.  Rs

We adore you, O Christ, as we search for self worth only in God's love for us and nothing else.  Rs

Our Father......

Compiled by Father Peter John Cameron, O.P.


Mary N. said...

This is great, Nancy - a litany for real life :)

Judy Dudich said...

This is wonderful.
Thank you!

Tracy said...

Amen, Beautiful Nancy!!

Tiffany said...

Isn't this wonderful? I read it in my Magnificat and just loved it:-)

Jessica of Faustina Farm said...

I kept marking this as unread in google reader(your feed is one of the few I still take the time to read). Concentrating on prayers has been difficult for me lately and I wanted to wait till I could pay attention to the words. This morning it called out to me. It made me cry and thank God. It was the prayer I needed to pray today.