Monday, April 25, 2011

Wordless Wednesday....on Monday!

Photo Credit
Every now and then you run across a photo that is so.....well, let's just say...appropriately perfect, that it just must be shared!  This photo was taken on Easter Sunday evening.  While there is much more that could be said here.....I'll leave it alone considering that this is a Wordless Wednesday Monday!

However, I would love to have a Caption Contest....just for fun!  If you can think of a really good caption for this me or leave a comment.  At some point, I'll post the responses (anonymously, of course)!


Mary N. said...

Three strikes and you're out?

KathY said...

Interesting, fun post Nancy :) !

OK, how 'bout this part of Exodus 19:16. There were peals of thunder and lightning flashed, and inside the camp all the people trembled.

Barb Szyszkiewicz said...

The President's decision to skip the traditional White House Easter greeting did not sit well with the REAL Powers That Be.

gramma2many said...

Next time I won't miss.

Just another wallflower said...

God: "I have had ENOUGH of your noise!"

Frizzy said...

"Let that be a warning to you!"

Love this! Where on earth did you find it?