Thursday, November 3, 2011

I Surrender....

There have been times in the life of my marriage and motherhood where I have felt extremely empty.  It's as though I have given and given and given to the point where there is just nothing left.  Actually, if I'm truly honest, it isn't so much that I've given, given,'s more like it's been taken, taken, taken.  Do any of you know what I mean?  Is this making any sense?  Sometimes it seems as though I have nothing left to give or offer.  I'm at my wits end and close to the point of packing my bags and taking a long vacation....somewhere without husbands, kids or responsibilities.

I know that part of the problem is that in the midst of all the chaos, I have not left any room for God.  He has been pushed outside of my line of sight, along with the laundry and the tufts of dog hair that roll along the kitchen floor as I rush by.  Something is missing.  Something is definitely missing!

As I've been eagerly waiting my copy of Judy Dudich's book " I Surrender...", I've been drawn to a passage that I read when she first published her E-book sometime ago.....

"If we are to be a house that serves the Lord, then we must begin by joyfully serving each other!  We must surrender our own desires and our own needs to ask God to fill us instead, with a desire to show our family how much they are loved and appreciated."

Today, there are no other words more appropriate for me!  Imagine that, allowing God to "fill me" instead of running on empty constantly, or, expecting my husband or children to fill up the space in me that is meant for God alone.

My goal for this wonderful month of November (along with remember loved ones who have died) is to look to God to fill me up rather than looking to my family to fill the needs that only HE can fill.  I'm going to concentrate on surrendering to the Holy Will of God all those areas of my life that belong to Him.

If you are on Facebook, look for Judy's "I Surrender" Book Club.  We will start reading Chapter One in the next week or so and then discussing it together!  I really need this right now.  How about you?


Kari said...

Wow, beautiful post. I understand and can relate all too well. Thanks for the reminder. Of course, we know to put God at the center and to look to Him to fill us but so often the distractions and hassles of life pull us away and we don't even realize it until we are tired and resentful. Hope your November is renewing and joyful.:)

Tiffany said...

Great goal, Nancy! I'm going to be right there with you:) November just has that feel to it like it's time to get things "in order." Can't wait to get Judy's book, it sounds like a gem. Thanks for sharing that passage as I hadn't seen it. God bless you during this most holy month.

Just another wallflower said...

Nancy, I often feel exactly the same way and can totally relate!! I think I need to read this book too! Thank you for sharing and God Bless you my very dear friend!! <3

Just another wallflower said...

Just wanted you to know that I just ordered the same book. :) Maybe we can do a book-club type thing together? :)

Before I forget (just tried calling you and you're not home!) Which homeschooling magazine do you get and do you like it? I have been looking to subscribe to one and not sure which would be best. LOVE YOU!!

Judy Dudich said...

I am so glad that you found blessing in the reading of that chapter Nancy...and thanks for sharing my book and our Facebook Book Club on your blog!

I notice Tiffany's comments here and wish to thank her, as well...and also to let her know that that whole chapter is available as a free excerpt on the page where the book is advertised/sold!

Frizzy said...

So well said and shared Nancy. Thank you soooo much! I'll have to put this book on my Christmas wish list.

noreen said...

This is a great post and an important reminder to me! I so need to get this book.