Wednesday, April 18, 2012

A Thankful Woman's Book of Blessings

My good friend Judy hosts this meme every Wednesday!  It's all about having an "attitude of gratitude".  Focusing on all the blessings God has bestowed upon me instead of all the bumps in my road of a good thing!  I am to share 5 things that I'm thankful for....

1.  For the mild weather we have been having here in Jacksonville!  It's been perfect for being outside and enjoying nature....not too hot and not too cold!  Perfect for springtime!

2.  For the overnight trip we took as a family last week!  Even though it was only a short jaunt to the beach, we enjoyed ourselves immensely!  We got to play in the ocean, swim in the hotel pool and have a yummy dinner of fresh seafood (crab)!

3.  For a husband who isn't afraid (or reluctant) to do regular household duties to help out his exhausted wife.  Doing the dishes, making the kids lunches and cleaning up after an aging dog who had an accident on the carpet are just some of the sacrifices my husband makes after a hard day of work.

4.  For our seminarians!  Having 3 of them "home" during Holy Week was a true blessing!  Having them assisting on the altar in their vestments (cassock and laced surplice) is just incredible!  What a sight!

5.  For the restored health of my sister-in-law, MJ.  She was ill with an upper respiratory infection and then had a severe allergic reaction to the antibiotics!  This landed her in ICU for a few days but I am happy to report that she has made a full recovery!  Thanks be to God!

This felt look for God's blessings and share them!  From now on, Wednesdays will be my day of thanks! 

Please join in on this humbling meme!  Take a few minutes to focus on your blessings and then visit Judy so you can take part!


Maria said...

Thanks for joining Judy's list of thanksgiving this week! You have a wonderful list of blessings. Sometimes those overnight trips can be the best. I look forward to the day we can take all of our munchkins to the beach.

YAY for those husbands who help w/ the house...I have one of those, too!

CC Jen said...

I love the ease of Wordless Wednesdays, but this post is so much more meaningful!

Judy Dudich said...

This list has filled my heart with JOY! Thank you for sharing it with us!
I love, love, LOVE crab! Your family trip sounds like HEAVEN on earth!
Go get Dan now, so that he can see me clapping for him ::claps, whistles, and gives two thumbs up for Dan Widener, while chanting: GO DAN, GO DAN, GO DAAANNNNN, GOOOO!::

Eileen Marie Miller said...

Glad your sister-in-law is doing better. Sounds like a great break you had at the beach and a wonderful husband! Great list!